Mohammed, the Qu’ran and Islam
Richard Roper Richard Roper

Mohammed, the Qu’ran and Islam

Islam is one of the world’s great religions, the second largest in the world and by some counts the fastest growing. It is also a religion in turmoil, many of its traditional heartlands in the Middle East are war ravaged and violent sects and movements among it are causing terror internationally and ruining its reputation. Hundreds of thousands of Muslims are fleeing the lands of their birth because of war, poverty and oppression…Photo by R Haworth - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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The Shape of Love
Richard Roper Richard Roper

The Shape of Love

When asked which was the most important of the commandments Jesus answered without hesitation to love God and your neighbour…but what is love?

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Richard Roper Richard Roper

Am I an atheist?

Am I a biblical thinker or am I, even if I profess christianity, functionally a ‘progressive’ atheist in my thinking?

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Richard Roper Richard Roper

Are we all Nazis now?

How easy it is to be blind to the rise to power of evil, could it happen to us today?

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Richard Roper Richard Roper

He Who Pays the Piper

‘He who pays the piper calls the tune,’ it’s an old proverb meaning that the person who pays for the service – that is the playing of the piper – has the right to determine what tune is played. More crudely put, the person with the money has the right to determine how it is spent. In the case of society today we are living in a world where Government pays for many things and therefore Government ordains what happens.

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Richard Roper Richard Roper

A Star to Guide Me: A Christmas Short Story

Far-sighted they call me, and so I am. Long nights, innumerable hours, standing at the top of my tower, staring into the darkened sky, counting, plotting, calculating the courses of the stars, have trained my eyes to see further and deeper than those of others. I love the stars, so steady and regular in their paths, untouched by the woes of this earth.

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Richard Roper Richard Roper

A Clash of Civilisations: Christianity & Islam Part 2

The death of Muhammed did not see an end to expansion by warfare but rather an acceleration of it. Despite civil wars and the splitting of the Muslim community into two camps (Sunni and Shia) over the legitimate succession to Muhammed, within little more than a century the Islamic empire extended from the borders of India, across the middle east and north Africa and the whole of the Iberian peninsula (modern Spain).

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Religion, culture, history, politics, Islam, Christianity, Muhammed Richard Roper Religion, culture, history, politics, Islam, Christianity, Muhammed Richard Roper

A Clash of Civilisations: Christianity & Islam Part 1 – The Life of Muhammed

With the recent beheadings and shootings in France, Islam – or at least that radical expression of it known as Islamism - has forced its way back into the headlines and tv news programmes of the western world.  Truth be told though, it has never been far from the news for the last fifty years. From the days of the Palestine Liberation Organisation and Black September terrorist groups in the 1970s, through to current groups such as Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and Al-Shabab, the last fifty years has been peppered with incidents and wars inspired by Islam.   These recent iterations of Islamic violence are symptomatic of  an approach to advancing the faith that goes back to the earliest days of Islam and the example of their prophet Muhammed himself.  Warfare and conquest are in the Islamic DNA.

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Philosophy Richard Roper Philosophy Richard Roper

What is Truth?

The nature and source of truth is one of the most fundamental of questions that mankind has asked itself down the millennia. Truth is a foundational concept in human life and philosophy and in our western, post-modern world of fake news and disinformation we are living in a crisis of truth. Nobody knows what to believe, who to believe or even if there is any such thing as truth.

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Philosophy, Atheism, Theism Richard Roper Philosophy, Atheism, Theism Richard Roper

The Irrationality of Atheism

The accusation is often made that to become a Christian requires one to abandon reason, to ‘just believe’, and that one might as well believe in a great sky-fairy or a flying spaghetti monster. Granted, some Christians do act as if they have lost their reason, but the Christian faith did not come to be held by over 2 billion people or underpin our understanding of the world by promoting the rejection of mental faculties…

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Trying to bring sense, perspective and understanding into the cascading events of the world as social and political tides push and pull us ever further from our mooring.