Deconstructing the language of the Left

‘The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of IngSoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible.  It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of IngSoc – should be literally unthinkable.’ 

George Orwell, The Principles of Newspeak

Words Matter  for they are the conveyers of thoughts, ideas and truths.  Those who control language control the societal narrative for they control the way people think.  Control the way people think and you will control their attitudes and actions.  New words and terms are being introduced into our vocabulary all the time; we adopt them, use them and discuss them without even understanding what they mean or represent.  A bewildering array of new words, terms and euphemisms are being introduced into our language in current times, many of them coined by the radical ‘liberal / progressive’ Left. Here are a few of them, deconstructed to make their meaning clear.


Abortion: the forcible ending of a pregnancy by means of suction, poisoning or the dismemberment of the foetus.  Prior to the 1980s the word carried the meaning of ‘miscarriage’, it’s proper etymological meaning from the Latin root word ‘aboriri.’

AFAB / AMAB: ‘A Female at Birth’, ‘A Male at Birth’, see ‘Natal Man /Woman.’

Allocishet: A ‘straight’ person, not ‘queer’ who is not ‘asexual’.

Antifa: Short for Anti-Fascist.  A radical left-wing organisation and movement that opposes fascism wherever it sees it by the process of dressing in black, rioting, looting and attacking the police.  Not to be confused with the Black Shirts of Hitler’s Nazi Party.

 Anti-: Liberals are anti many things and can be defined in the negative by what they are against:

anti-abortion: to be against ‘abortion.’ Confusingly liberals are not anti-abortion but are anti-anti-abortion, meaning that they are for the freedom for women to kill their babies for many, various or even any reason.

anti-colonialist: against the colonial actions of the European empires and twentieth century USA.  Not concerned about the colonial movements of contemporary powers.

anti-imperialist: see anti-colonialist

anti-fascist: against everybody who stands against the march of ‘progress.’

anti-racist: against everybody who does not agree with the race based analysis of society advocated by ‘Critical Race Theory.’

anti-semitic: against the Jews. This is denied but has a long and current history within the movement.

Asexual: a ‘sexuality’ or sexual orientation that is defined by lack of sexual attraction.

Assigned gender: what the midwife answers when the mothers asks if her new-born is a boy or a girl. In ‘woke’ world, where there is no objective fact, assigned gender is only a temporary label until the child comes of an age to choose from the smorgasboard of options truly available.

BAME: Black and Minority Ethnic.  Referring to ethnic groups who are not of the majority, emphasising their separateness from the mainstream and inhibiting integration. 

BDS (Israel): Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions.  A systematic attempt to undermine the Middle East’s only fully functioning democracy by economic means, undertaken for anti-colonial, anti-imperial and anti-semitic motives.

Biological Male / Female: this term creates an assumption that there is such a thing as a non-biological male or female. Since male and female are biological terms the use of this term panders to ‘queer’ and ‘transgender’ ideology.

BIPOC: Black, IndigenousPeople of Color (sic).  An umbrella term for non-‘white,’ people.  Excludes Asians and possibly Hispanics. Of no use in the UK where there are, apparently, no indigenous people (especially not the English.)

Birthing Person: Mother, the female of the species who is capable of conceiving and bearing a baby.

Bi-sexual: a ‘sexuality’ or sexual orientation typified by sexual attraction to both sexes.  The B of LGBTQIA+.

Call Out: to confront, with intent to shame or bully a political opponent on some perceived ideological infringement or ‘offence.’

Cancel: to attack the reputation and livelihood of a person (living or deceased) for holding and/or expressing opinions contrary to current liberal opinion.

Capitalism: the economic system based upon the concept of private property and imposed upon the world by ‘white’ ‘imperialists’, that enslaves everyone.  The overthrow of capitalism is a necessity for the establishment of ‘Equality.’

CHAZ: Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, also known as CHOPCapitol Hill Organized Protest.  A six block section of  the city of Seattle, including the city’s LGBT neighbourhood, seized and held by armed ‘BLM’, ‘antifa’ and other elements, protesting the death of George Floyd, during the period June 8 to July 1 2020.

Cis-gender: to ‘self-identify’ with the gender to which you were ‘assigned’ at birth.  Having disappeared down the rabbit-hole of self-identification and multiple genders, this is a second generation term to describe the great majority who do not ascribe to gender theories or have difficulty with their own identity.

Class: a system for dividing people within a society according to their income and wealth.  Popularised by Karl Marx for the purposes of fomenting revolution.

Colonialism: the despotic rule of non-European countries by European empires.  The rule of European or non-European countries by non-European empires is not deemed inappropriate.

Critical Theory: the dominant political ideology of the age. Developed in the 1920s and 30s by Marxist philosophers of the Frankfurt School to undermine western society and create the social conditions for a Communist revolution. A method of analysing social power structures by dividing the population into categories and classes primarily on the basis of racial, economic and gender identities. Views all relationships as power relationships.

Critical Race Theory: the application of ‘Critical Theory’ (see above) within a society to divide the people on racial grounds, foment grievance, re-interpret history and de-stabilise a nation.

Cultural Appropriation: a person of one ethnicity using the cultural accomplishments of another ethnicity, for example a white British person cooking a curry or a black African wearing a business suit.

Deadname: to address or call a trans person by the name they had prior to his/her/ etc (preferred pronoun) transition.

De-colonise: purposely disrupting the intellectual, cultural and social traditions of western Europe and North America by the elimination of established ‘white ‘European understanding and perspective and inserting non-european positions.  Includes subjects such as mathematics, seplling, history and diet.

Emotional Security Pet: a living animal substitute for adults for a child’s teddy bear or security blanket.

Equality: the unachievable utopian dream of the liberal, the ultimate moral good and driver of ideology and policy; requiring the revolutionary destruction of hierarchy and power and the creation of a new humanity and social order.

Euthanasia: ‘good-death’, to kill another person, with or sometimes without, their consent.

Fat-phobia: the oppression of fat people by disparaging their appearance, their health and the designing of seats that are too small.

Feminism: an application of ‘Critical Theory’ by which society is divided into male and female with the assumption that the female is a category oppressed by the male.

Gammon: a racial slur used by anti-racists to describe white men with whom they disagree.

Gay: ‘sexuality’ or sexual orientation in which men are sexually attracted to men.  A man who is sexually attracted to a trans man (that is a female pre- or post- transition) is also considered gay.

Gender: a concept concerning self-expression and felt experience.  Traditionally three in number, masculine, feminine and neuter and linked to biology, the number of genders has been increased to 76 (as of publication) as the concept has abandoned links to science and been taken over by left-wing ideology.  A potent tool in the drive to destroy the nuclear family as a pillar of society.

Gender-fluid: the concept that a person’s ‘gender’ (see above), no longer being fixed to immutable physiology, can vary across any or all of the gender identities described.

Gender-neutral: an attempt to destroy in word, thought or action any differences, or references to differences, between the sexes.

Hate: the only possible motivation for not endorsing and advocating the most extreme ‘woke’ political views.

Hate Crime: experiencing a situation in which one suffers, or believes others might suffer, ‘offence.’

Hate Speech: a verbal ‘hate crime.’

Heteronormativity: the belief that the human species comprises two sexes, male and female, and the normal and proper structure of society is built upon a pairing of male and female for the procreation and nurture of children. In liberal use the term ‘heteronormativity’ is often pre-fixed with the word ‘smash.’

Homophobic: holding or expressing a view less than a whole-hearted endorsement of ‘gay’ rights.

Homosexual: a person who desires sex with a person of the same sex.  Applicable to both sexes but most commonly used of males.

Imperialism: the process by means of war or other policy  by which one country (especially Britain and other European powers) established control over other countries in the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries.

Inequality: the liberal equivalent for evil.

Institutional Racism: a method for condemning institutions and the individuals within them as a whole without having to provide specific evidence of guilt.

Intersectionality: the combining of different identities (e.g. female, gay, white) to more narrowly divide society and more precisely rank groups in the hierarchy of power and victimhood.  The lower one is placed the greater the victim status and moral power, the higher one’s position on the scale the greater one’s power and the greater the opprobrium due from the righteous ‘liberal.’

Inter-sex: a very rare medical condition in which people are born without identifiable sexual characteristics, used to justify the concept that humans are sexually ‘non-binary.’

Islam: an acceptable religion because it is that of  non-white people and is not Christianity, despite it avowing beliefs and practices opposing those held by liberals.

Islamophobic: a term of denigration used against those who are opposed to the Islamisation of society and Islam’s unequal treatment of women and non-heterosexual sexual relationships.

Latinx: an attempt at the cultural conquest of Hispanic Americans by the liberal left. The replacement of the gendered Latino / Latina self-description of male and female Spanish speaking Hispanic Americans with a ‘gender-neutral’ term.

Lesbian: a woman who is sexually attracted to other women. A woman who is sexually attracted to a trans woman (that is a male pre- or post- transition) is also considered a lesbian.

LGBTQIA+: Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, + is everyone else. Originally just LGB, signifying sexual orientations, the subsequent letters  are for ‘gender’ identities.  The addition of all and every gender expression has made the term an umbrella for all those who object to received norms of sexuality, even when they ideologically conflict among themselves.

Liberal: someone who is intolerant of opinions different from their own.

Mansplaining: a contemptuous term used of someone attempting to explain a situation or idea to a woman.

Marriage: a contractual partnership between two or more parties.

Micro-aggression: a micro-aggression is an unconscious action which causes real or perceived alarm, ‘offence ‘or injury to a third party.  No actual aggression or malicious intent need occur, whether an act of ‘micro-aggression’ has occurred or not is wholly in the reaction of the supposed victim. For example, for a white man to wear his hair in dreadlocks can be deemed an act of ‘cultural appropriation’ and a ‘micro-aggression’ even if there was no interaction between the ‘offender’ and the ‘offended’ persons involved.

Mis-gender: another second generation term of gender theory, the act of intentionally using the pronouns of someone’s ‘assigned gender’ rather than their ‘preferred pronouns.’ An offensive act that can be considered ‘hate speech.’

My truth: someone’s subjective experience as opposed to an objective or reasoned opinion.

Natal Man / Woman: the biological sex one is born, male or female. What one is, not what one might wish to be or become. Normally used of ‘trans’ persons.

 Nazi: a term of abuse and demonisation used against any person, institution or organisation not submitting to ‘progressive’ ideas or forces.  Unable to emotionally move beyond the political battles of the 1930s, liberals default to castigating their opponents as Nazis, seemingly unaware that their own Communist heroes and role models held similar ideological convictions and were equally murderous in their application of them.

 Non-binary: any person of any ‘gender’ or ‘sexuality’ who does not ‘self-identify’ as a male or female heterosexual or ‘homosexual.’

Non-men: any person who is not a ‘natal’ or ‘cis’ male. Attempting to be ‘trans’ inclusive this term has outraged virtually everybody by erasing the word ‘woman’ and making the male the default definition of a human being.

 Offence: an infringement of ideology or a personal response to a perceived insult.  Potentially a ‘hate-crime.’

Otherkin: humans who self-identify as other species of animals, an extreme variant of the trans condition.

 Patriarchy: the supposed domination of the male sex in society, the feminist Original Sin from which all inequalitiesflow.

 Phobia: In English the term means an irrational fear, from the Greek ‘phobos.’ In liberal the word means ‘hatred of’ and can be tacked onto any popular liberal cause, e.g homophobia, transphobia and used as an accusation.

 Preferred Pronouns: another term from the rabbit-hole of Queerness.  Accepting that gender identity is self-chosen it follows the identifying pronouns of the individual are allied to the chosen gender and need to be advertised to the world as one’s Preferred Pronouns. A minefield of potential offence for unwitting persons who may not use the correct term.  New pronouns such as ‘zhe’ have been coined but nobody knows what they are or identify.

 Pro-choice: the freedom for a woman to kill her baby for many, various or any reason.

 Progress: a positive sounding word used to describe movement towards an unspecified future.

 Progressive:  a person who wants to feel good and righteous and so identifies with ‘progress.’

 Queer: a cover all identity term for individuals who do not consider themselves male or female, masculine or feminine.

 Queer Theory: a revolutionary academic discipline with the purpose of unravelling human sexual identity and relationships.

 Race: a nineteenth century belief that the human race can be divided into different ethnicities of differing ability.  A core doctrine of ‘Critical Race Theory’ is that different races are treated differently and have different positions in the power matrix.

 Racism: originally the belief that human ethnicities can be ranked by prowess, now a mysterious and invisible process by which non-white and ‘BIPOC’ persons are oppressed (by ‘whites’) irrespective of their legal or social status.

 Reproductive Rights: a euphemism for ‘abortion.’ The claim that it is a ‘human right’ for women to kill their baby, on the same moral basis as the Right to Life as escribed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Same-Gender: the ‘trans’ version of homosexuality whereby two people of the same self-identified gender are sexually attracted to each other. so, for example, two ‘trans’ women who self-identify as men would be considered homosexual rather than lesbian.

Self-identification:  the subjective process of defining  one’s own identity.  Whereas one might objectively be defined as a British male if one is of the male sex and was born in Great Britain, this is no longer held to be true.  Truth, and therefore identity, belongs no longer to the objective world but to the subjective self.  If one chooses to self-identify as other than as one was born that is ‘my truth’ and is what the world is required to accept.  Failure on the part of another to accept my self-identity can be construed as an act of aggression or even a ‘hate crime.’

Sexuality: more than just the expression of the sexual aspect of human nature, ‘sexuality’ is said to be the innate and fixed (or perhaps fluid, i.e. changeable) orientation of one’s sex drive towards others of the human race – and perhaps beyond as society ‘progresses.’ Particularly powerful categories of sexuality bring with them legal privilege, protection against ‘hate’, exemption from previously accepted norms of sexual behaviour and moral guilt. Not to be confused with ‘gender.

 SJW: Social Justice Warrior, a radical convert to ‘Woke’ politics willing to campaign and demonstrate for the cause.

 Snowflake: originally a term of right wing contempt for self-obsessed young people of the millennial generation who melted at the first sign of discipline, authority or work, now re-purposed by the Left to condemn anyone who protests the advance of the liberal agenda.

 Social Justice: a form of redistributive justice that seeks to achieve a radical egalitarian society; a euphemism for egalitarianism. 

 Systemic Racism: ‘Racism’ that is so ingrained into a situation or environment that it is unconscious and invisible. See ‘institutional racism.’

 Taking the knee: an action of going down on one knee to show one’s commitment to ‘Black Lives Matter.’

 TERF: Acronym for Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.  A sub-section of feminists who maintain the archaic belief that biological males are not women even if  they ‘self-identify’ as women and have undergone radical medical procedures (‘transition’) to  try to become so. Hated by trans activists.

 Termination: see ‘abortion.’

 Toxic masculinity: traditional notions of masculine behaviour centred upon strength, virility, provision, care, self-control, leadership and sacrifice.

 Transgender: a person who seeks to change the appearance of their body by medical intervention and lifestyle changes to more closely match their self-identification as a person of the other sex.

Transhet: a ‘transgender’ person who is sexually attracted to those of the opposite sex to their chosen trans sex

 Transition: the process of altering one’s appearance to that of the other sex by medication, surgery and lifestyle changes.

 Transphobia: a belief that a person’s sex is genetically determined and immutable.  A ‘hate crime.’

 Transracial: a person who ‘self-identifies’ as belonging to a different human ethnicity than which they really are.

 Trigger: the word or action that causes ‘offence’ to an individual.

 Unconscious bias: the assumption that all individuals have stereotypical opinions of others based on the others’ race, ethnicity, gender or other defining characteristic (as defined by ‘Critical Theory.’)

 Voter Suppression: a term to denigrate attempts to control the casting of votes to those citizens who have the right to vote.

 White: the ruling ethnicity that dominates and oppresses the whole world through ‘imperialism’ and capitalism, and which must be overthrown to achieve the utopia of egalitarianism.

 Whiteness: the oppressive expression of being ‘white’ which permeates society and culture and keeps the non-white in subjection.  One does not have to be ‘white’ to have or express ‘whiteness,’ it is in that manner an ‘unconscious bias.’

White Ally: ‘white’ who is ‘woke’ and supports ‘BIPOC’ or ‘BAME’ led ‘social justice’ movements.

White Fragility: a term of abuse levelled against ‘white’ people who wish to protest against the racialist concept of ‘white privilege.’

 White Privilege: a racialist concept, the innate advantage supposedly conveyed upon ‘white’ people for being born ‘white,’ regardless of their actual status or position in society.

 White Supremacist: a ‘white’ who believes that power should be in the hands of white people but currently isn’t.

 Woke: previously simply the past participle of the word ‘wake’, for the past 5 or so years the term has been commonly used of anyone espousing a liberal view, especially as regards race relations or ‘gay ‘rights.  To become ‘woke’ is to undergo an intellectual conversion to a far left political radicalism that requires revolution to correct perceived historical wrongdoings. ‘Woke’ people are often characterised by pessimism, anger and a tolerance of political violence.

Womxn: a ‘feminist’, ‘intersectional’ term to include all women, including ‘trans-women’ in a manner that does not refer to men. A term problematic to ‘non-binary’ persons who not relate to binary gender classifications.

Womyn: a ‘feminist’, ‘intersectional’ term used by ‘terfs’ to include all women, but obviously not ‘trans-women’ who are not women in ‘terf’ ideology. A term problematic to ‘non-binary’ persons who not relate to binary gender classifications.


Further Reading: Words Matter

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