The Abolition of Eve

Drag Queen Story hour!  Fabulous darling! Men dressed up in fantastic dresses, luscious curly wigs, fake eyelashes, long nails and with coatings of heavy make-up, to create gorgeous and outrageous simulations of femininity.  Humorous caricatures of women who make your children laugh and shout as they read them a story at school or in the public library.  What’s not to like? Or,  maybe you prefer Drag Race, where men compete to perfect their costume and appearance and be crowned the Drag Queen?  Switch on the tv almost anywhere in the western world and you will find a series to watch.  Drag has come out of the night clubs and comedy bars to swagger its way down our streets, across our screens and into the classroom.  Cross-dressing is normal and fun, it’s just another way of expressing yourself after all.

But maybe dressing in the clothes of the other sex isn’t really your thing?  Maybe you really are the other sex, trapped in the wrong body; stressed, depressed and oppressed by what society expects of you?  Then your only way out is to change your gender, admit that you are ‘trans’ and take the hormones and surgery that will conform your body to your true gender identity.  Go to your GP or mental health clinic and say the right things and you can be on a fast-track to sex change surgery.

How did cross-dressing and transgenderism gain such a hold in society?  It followed in the footsteps of feminism, which first attacked gender roles and the distinction of the sexes in an attempt to ‘liberate’ women by the rejection of their sexual distinctives. It has ended with the very existence of ‘women’ as an equal and separate category of humanity under question. Men cross-dress as women, straight men abandon their children, gay men ignore women as sexual partners and transgender men invade women’s changing rooms, sports, refuges and even prisons. Prizes designed for women are given to men who claim to be women or separate categories for women rolled into a new ‘gender-neutral’ award.   Everywhere the identity of women and the social position and space given to them is under attack.

By paving the way for women’s proposed advancement by destroying gender roles, feminism laid the path for and created the conditions for transgenderism to take a grip on pliable psyches. The process was carried out in three waves over the course of little more than a century. Based on a false premise of equality the feminists movements first sought to acquire for women the perceived privileges of males (e.g. suffrage, equal pay), then to disassociate themselves from reliance upon men for child raising (divorce, contraception, abortion) and finally to destroy ‘the Patriarchy’ (the supposed system of oppressive male privilege).  This third phase, the destruction of ‘the Patriarchy’ is attempted by attacking the nature and character of men and masculinity as toxic, perpetuating the narrative of women as victims of men and by actions of positive discrimination in favour of the female.  ‘You can have it all!’ it was proclaimed, ‘motherhood and career.’ You can  have it all,’ may have worked for the wealthy who could outsource the children to the nanny, but with the traditional nuclear family structure in free-fall and about ¼ of children living in a single parent family1, it’s become a sick joke for the many women juggling domestic duties and a low-paid part-time job that doesn’t even cover childcare during the school holidays.

One hundred or more years of social activism hasn’t achieved what feminists hoped and there is a clear reason, all of the waves of feminism have sought to define women in relation to the male, feminists have attempted to become man-like. It is no surprise that the birth-rate in all western countries has collapsed, women have consciously abandoned the physical, sexual core of their own nature.  The failure of feminism is its failure to create a purpose and role that is distinctly feminine. 

 In parallel with changes to attitudes and law, feminism was also at the forefront to changes in language.  Language, being the medium of thought and ideas, needed to be changed in order for new ways of thinking to be embedded into people’s understanding.  Language needed to be de-gendered in order for the feminist concept of equality to be achieved. This is far easier in English, with its simplified  grammatical structures where gender has largely been stripped out of verbal forms, than say French or Spanish, where gender is still integral to the structure of the language. So in pursuit of equality, feminine word structures were erased and the masculine or a ‘gender-neutral’ form adopted to accommodate the feminine: actress became actor, chairwoman became chair, ships, boats, cars etc changed from ‘her’ to it ,for example.  In time, and as change progressed, nonsense words (that is words that describe things that do not exist) were invented to describe non-existent categories; for example, ‘Latinx ‘(a mythical Hispanic person without gender), ‘womxn’ (a word that has no commonly agreed meaning), and ‘zir, ze’ (pronouns invented by people under the illusion they have no gender.)  Finally, we have come to the term ‘non-man’, an umbrella term invented to describe women, and men who do not believe themselves to be men, and excluding women who believe themselves to be men.  Just as distinctive places, recognition and roles for women have been driven out of society, so are they being erased from language.  There used to be two terms for ‘non-man’, woman and child, now only child remains: feminism and its flowering into transgenderism has abolished womanhood. 

 There are certain verses hidden away in the depths of the Old Testament that have long been the subject of disbelief and mockery from those who wish to overthrow the Christian faith and the Judaeo-Christian worldview which has dominated society until recent times.  However, read them in the light of what is happening in modern society and the truth behind them comes into focus.  One of these verses is Deuteronomy Chapter 22 verse 5:

 “A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God.”

 It seems petty and somewhat ridiculous, a prohibition against cross-dressing, but behind it lies a truth that has profound significance – do not confuse the sexes, do not mix the sexes.    There are things about being male or female that are powerful, important and unique to that sex.  To mix or adulterate them is to act against the inbuilt humanity of that person, making them less than what they might be. It is not a law against pantomime dames at Christmas or young men putting tutus onto prospective bridegrooms, it is a warning against creating false males or false females or strange chimera hybrids of both sexes.  ‘Male and female created He, them’ it is written in the book of Genesis, both in the image of God.  One Adam, divided into two with the creation of Eve, to be re-united as one through marriage. It is the unified male and female together who completely represent the image of God in humanity. 

 Cross-dressing and transgenderism are outward symptoms of an inner dis-ease of the soul that if indulged will lead to death and destruction, not only to the individual but to the wider society.  Cross-dressing and transgenderism are seeking the final dissolution of characteristics distinctive to the sexes.  Males ape female character traits and females those of males.  Today we have a pandemic of cross-dressing and transgenderism, untreated it will be far more destructive of civilisation than Covid ever was.





A Reasonable God


The Progressive Death Cult